Breath is the primary way we exchange energy with the molecules and atoms that form the vibrational field of reality both around us and within us.

The breath is a pathway to non-ordinary states of consciousness through intentional somatic practice.

Breathwork is an embodied practice to harmonize the spheres of mind, body, and soul. Breathwork catalyzes the capacity to hold, witness, and engage with life in full totality.

Our breathing is one of the only autonomic systems in our bodies that is also under our conscious control.

Breathwork is the intentional control and alteration of the natural breathing pattern.

Breathwork allows for exploration of the psychosomatic realm. The subconscious and the default mode network of the psyche are highly affected, opening up a portal for new neural pathways to form and offering newfound potential for transforming negative thought patterns into positive ones.

Breathwork may bring deeply stored and repressed emotions or memories into conscious waking awareness, allowing for processing to occur in a grounded and supportive environment.

About Your Facilitator

My name is Sierra Kanani and I am a trained trauma-informed breathwork facilitator. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Integrative Health. My path of study is dedicated to exploring the woven connection between the physical, emotional, and energetic spheres of the human being. Underneath every layer, I believe in unity over fragmentation.

My Story