My Story & Philosophy

My name is Sierra Kanani. My earliest four years of life were spent in Mumbai, India. From the bustling and colorful intensity of India, my family moved to the island of Kaua’i. The island is embedded into my heart forever. Kaua’i gifted me deep reverence for nature as well as my most cherished relationships. My path to breathwork and artistry has grown out of a desire to uplift the human spirit through bringing light to the web of connection, the great mosaic, that we all are inherently woven into.

Having studied and practiced yoga for many years, I pursued a Bachelor of Science in Integrative Health. My studies in anatomy, physiology, psychology, and traditional healing have given me a foundation for understanding the human body and the various systems within it. As I neared the end of my studies, I decided to become trained in somatic release and trauma-informed breathwork facilitation. I was able to put what I had learned into an embodied practice that had the power to bring deep transformation and healing to others from a holistic perspective.

Breathwork came into my life when I needed clarity and direction. Having suffered from severe childhood asthma and a hyper-reactive immune system, I was initially drawn to the practice for the physical benefits of increasing my lung capacity and releasing stored tension. I was blown away by the depth of healing I experienced from simply altering my pattern of breath. I processed emotions that had been repressed and stored in my body for years. I accessed forgiveness, compassion, and immense gratitude for this human experience and everything that comes with it. Breathwork is vulnerable, powerful, gentle, and intrinsically human in essence. It is a practice of coming home to oneself, while acknowledging a shared interdependence to the whole.

Breath is central to living. In this subtle and objective truth, there is something special. The physical, energetic, and emotional spheres of the individual are affected by the breath. It is the primary source of energy. The breath is a bridge to heightened awareness, introspective exploration, and physiological vitality.